Internet providers in North Carolina

Compare plans from 10 providers to find the best fit for your home.

Find North Carolina internet providers by city

If you are looking for internet service in NC, there are several internet service providers to choose from, including fiber-optic, cable, DSL and satellite internet options. Competitive prices are the standard in NC, so checking out current internet plans in your area can save you money.

Explore internet availability and speed in various North Carolina cities below. We’ve included each city’s median download speed from Ookla’s, the percentage of households in each city with access to at least 100 Mbps, 250 Mbps and 1,000 Mbps and the number of providers available in each city.

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North Carolina internet overview

North Carolina has several internet options offered by top providers such as Spectrum, T-Mobile and AT&T. You may qualify for additional savings when you bundle TV or home phone services. We did the research for you so you can quickly determine which internet provider is the best option near you. 

Internet providers in North Carolina

We’ve ranked the top internet providers in NC by coverage area, technology and starting price. We’ve done the research so you can easily find the providers in your area that are the best fit for you.

Fastest internet in North Carolina

These internet service providers offer some of the fastest speeds in North Carolina, where available:

Cheapest internet in North Carolina

North Carolina is a great location to find high-speed internet deals, including cheap standalone internet options. A few providers have plans starting below $50/mo. You may be able to get additional savings off your monthly internet price by bundling with TV and home phone services.

These internet service providers offer some of the cheapest internet plans in NC, where available:

North Carolina internet statistics

Compare North Carolina’s median download and upload speeds to the U.S. median upload and download speeds. NC pulls ahead when it comes to download speed, but the U.S. has a faster median upload speed.

Internet availability in North Carolina

100% of North Carolina households have access to the minimum broadband speed of 100/20 Mbps. Explore the availability of different internet technology types in North Carolina, including cable, fiber, satellite and fixed wireless (based on access to 100/20 Mbps broadband speed).

Quality of internet access in North Carolina

100% of North Carolina has access to the minimum recommended broadband speeds of 100/20 Mbps, but less than 37% of the state has access to gigabit speeds:

  • Residents with broadband access (speeds at or over 100/20 Mbps): 100%
  • Residents with access to 250/25 Mbps: 86%
  • Residents with access to gigabit speeds (at or over 1000/100 Mbps): 36%