Survey: 92% of households get internet

Robin Layton

Dec 15, 2023 — 2 min read

family sitting in living room on devices like laptops, phones.

A new consumer survey from the Leichtman Research Group, Inc. (LRG) indicates America’s digital divide is slowly shrinking. The survey results found that 92% of U.S. households get an internet service, up from 83% in 2018 and 76% in 2008.

“The percentage of households getting an Internet service at home, including high-speed broadband, reached an all-time high over the past year. This year’s study found that 92% of households get an Internet service at home, an increase from 85% in pre-pandemic 2019,” said Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst for LRG. 

The results dovetail with the recent update to the Federal Communications Commission’s broadband map, showing that the number of homes without internet service is decreasing. The digital divide is the gap between people who have access to digital technology like phones, computers and the internet and those who do not.

As more of the U.S. becomes connected, internet users are exploring the types of connections available at their addresses. Internet service providers also report that fiber and fixed wireless are growing opportunities for them. An Allconnect survey showed that 50% of current surveyed internet customers are interested in trying 5G home internet.

Internet customer satisfaction

Looking at how satisfied internet customers are with their service, the Leichtman research showed that 60% of broadband subscribers are very satisfied (8-10 on a 1-10 scale), while 5% are not satisfied (1-3). Compared to 53% who reported being very satisfied in 2018 and 59% in 2013, satisfaction rates are improving in the internet field.

“Broadband subscribers are generally content with their services, with 60% reporting that they are very satisfied overall, and 70% agreeing that their Internet service meets the needs of their household,” said Leichtman.

Other findings from their report included:

  • 70% of broadband subscribers agree (8-10) that their Internet service meets the needs of their household, while 5% disagree (1-3)
  • 64% of broadband subscribers rate the quality of the speed of their Internet connection 8-10 (with 10 being excellent), higher than any year in the past decade, including 53% in 2018 and 58% in 2013.  Just 3% rate speed 1-3 (with 1 being poor) 
  • 42% of broadband subscribers do not know the download speed of their service – compared to 59% in 2018
  • 22% of broadband subscribers report that their provider is the only one available in their area – compared to 27% in 2021
  • 87% of households use at least one laptop or desktop computer, and 96% of this group get an Internet service at home
  • Those that do not use a laptop or desktop computer at home account for 64% of all that do not get an Internet service at home

The LRG survey was of 1,767 households from throughout the United States and is part of a new LRG study, Broadband Internet in the U.S. 2023

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Robin Layton

Written by:

Robin Layton

Editor, Broadband Content

Robin Layton is an editor for the broadband marketplace Allconnect. She built her internet industry expertise writing and editing on the site since January 2020, as well as on Allconnect’s sister site… Read more
